

This is exactly how I feel today.

When I drew this the other day, it was with other people in mind. Actually when the idea came to me, I thought of smashing a coffee cup (full of hot black coffee) on someone's bald head, just smashing, and coffee and ceramic shards going everywhere. That's what I was going to draw.

But I suppose the artist in me is kinder and gentler than the dreamer in me. All I know is, somehow the violent smashing turned into a neutral pouring. I'm slipping. I've been trying to tell ya'll I'm losing my edge but nobody believes me.

But then again they say as women age they get more testosterone and less estrogen. I can't wait for that.

note: why are all of these words centered? And why won't it let me make the image big? And why don't you get it, when I say WAKE UP, I'm not talking about in the morning? And why is it that people never take me seriously until it's too late? For them, I mean. It's funny. By the time they realize the things I said were solid, I'm long gone.
I love today.
The weather, the feel in my head, the possibilities that surround me, like a pack of happy jackals with no intention of biting. Just sniffing. In my mind, I'm sitting by a campfire and thinking, the moon is full, the stars are out, there's an owl hooing at me and I'm wearing my black leather zippy boots and all my prayers are being answered.

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